Wednesday 5 June 2013

Solved UGC NET question Dec 2006

Solved UGC NET question Dec 2006

Note : This paper contains fifty (50) multiple-choice questions, each question carrying
two (2) marks. Attempt all of them.

1. The title The Sound and the Fury is taken from :
(A) Hamlet (B) Macbeth
(C) The Tempest (D) King Lear
2. Pecola is a character in :
(A) The Bluest Eye (B) Oliver Twist
(C) Don Quixote (D) Beloved
The Bluest Eye is Toni Morrison's novel published in 1970
3. Which of the following was associated with the “Bloomsbury Group”.
(A) T. S. Eliot (B) W. B. Yeats
(C) T. E. Hulme (D) Virginia Woolf
4. Which of the following characters appear in Waiting for Godot :
(A) Jerry (B) Lucky (C) Jimmy Porter (D) Ham
5. About whom did T. S. Eliot write “A thought to him was an experience” :
(A) Herbert (B) Marvell (C) Donne (D) Crashaw
6. The last book of Gulliver’s Travels is :
(A) “Voyage to Houyhnhnms” (B) “Voyage to Laputa”
(C) “Voyage to Brobdingnag” (D) “Voyage to Lilliput”
7. Who edited The Tatler :
(A) Steele and John Locke (B) Addison and Dryden
(C) Addison and Blackmore (D) Addison and Steele
8. John Locke’s “Essay Concerning Human Understanding” is about :
(A) nature of human behaviour (B) nature of the human mind
(C) nature of human society (D) nature of human ideology
9. Restoration Comedy marks the restoration of :
(A) women’s rights (B) democracy
(C) monarchy (D) human rights
10. Which of Alexander Pope’s poems begins with the line “Shut, shut the door, good
John, fatigued I said” :
(A) “Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot” (B) “Dunciad”
(C) “Epistles” (D) “Rape of the Lock”
11. The statement “One has to convey in a language that is not one’s own the spirit that is
one’s own” appears in :
(A) Ice-Candy Man (B) The Guide
(C) Nagamandala (D) Kanthapura
12. Which of the following author-book pair is correctly matched :
(A) Arundhati Roy - The Autumn of the Patriarch
(B) Gabriel Garcia Marquez - Love in the Time of Cholera
(C) Umber to Eco - The Tin Drum
(D) Jhumpa Lahiri – Beloved
13. Which of the following women writers did not receive the Noble Prize :
(A) Toni Morrison (B) Nadine Gordiner
(C) Buchi Emcheta (D) Doris Lessing
       Buchi Emcheta is a Nigerian novelish
14. Which of the following is not an Australian author :
(A) Margaret Laurence (B) David Malauf
(C) Mudooroo Narogin (D) Peter Carey
15. The Tulsis of Naipaul’s A House for Mr. Biswas lived in :
(A) Pagotes House (B) Hanuman Mansion
(C) Tulsiana (D) Hanuman House
16.   The quotation “a repetition in the finite mind of the eternal act of creation in the infinite                      I AM” appears in :
(A) Lyrical Ballads (B) Biographia Literaria
(C) “In Defense of Poetry” (D) Letters of Keats
17. “Fearful Symmetry” appears in the poem :
(A) “Introduction” (B) “Chimney Sweeper”
(C) “The Tyger” (D) “London”
18. The quotation “when a man is capable of being in uncertainties, mysteries, doubts,
without any irritable reaching after fact and reasons” is a definition of :
(A) Negative capability (B) Secondary imagination
(C) Criticism of life (D) Dissociation of sensibility
19. Which of the following prose-writers do not belong to the Romantic Period :
(A) Peacock (B) De Quincey (C) Hazlitt (D) Gibbon
20. In Pride and Prejudice, Lydia and Wickham eloped to :
(A) Barchester (B) Bath (C) Gretna Green (D) Glasgow
21. Which of the following thinker-concept pairs is correctly matched :
(A) Frye ........... Mysticism
(B) Derrida ............. Deconstruction
(C) I. A. Richards ........... Archetypal Criticism
(D) Eagleton ............... Psychological Criticism
22. Which of the following thinker concept pairs is correctly matched :
(A) Abhinava Gupta .............. Dhwanyaloka
(B) Vaman .............. Kavya Alankar
(C) Mamata .............. Kavya Prakash
(D) Bharata .............. Vakrokti
23. Choose the correct sequence of the following schools of criticism :
(A) Structuralism, Deconstruction, Reader-Response, New Historicism
(B) New Historicism, Reader-Response, Deconstruction, Structuralism
(C) Deconstruction, New Historicism, Structuralism, Reader-Response
(D) Reader-Response, Deconstruction, New Historicism, Structuralism
24. “Hamartia” means :
(A) reversal of fortunes (B) purgation of emotions
(C) depravity (D) error of judgement
25. The term “gynocriticism” was coined by :
(A) Betty Friedman (B) Elaine Showalter
(C) Luce Irigarey (D) Susan Sontag
26. Which is the correct sequence :
(A) D. G. Rossetti, George Eliot, Bronte Sisters, Thackeray
(B) George Eliot, D. G. Rossetti, Bronte Sisters, Thackeray
(C) Thackeray, Bronte Sisters, George Eliot, D. G. Rossetti
(D) Bronte Sisters, George Eliot, Thackeray, D. G. Rossetti
27. Which of Dickens’ novels opens with the words “It was the best of times, it was the
worst of times .... “.
(A) A Tale of Two Cities (B) Oliver Twist
(C) Pickwick Papers (D) Hard Times
28. The term “The Fleshly School of Poetry” is associated with the :
(A) Chartists (B) Pre-Raphaelites
(C) Symbolists (D) Imagists
29. The line “The sea is calm tonight” occurs in :
(A) Tennyson’s “Maude” (B) Arnold’s “Thyrsis”
(C) Tennyson’s “The Lotos-Eaters” (D) Arnold’s “Dover Beach”
30. The term “gothic”, a category of fiction, also applies to :
(A) architecture (B) painting (C) music (D) theater
31. The gap-toothed character in “prologue” to The Centerbury Tales is :
(A) the Prioress (B) the Nun
(C) the Wife of Bath (D) the Narrator
32. Which of the following is not a Revenge Tragedy :
(A) Duchess of Malfi (B) Volpone
(C) Hamlet (D) Gorboduc
33. Miracle plays are based on the lives of :
(A) Knights (B) Crusaders (C) Pilgrims (D) Saints
34. The Red cross Knight is Spenser’s Faerie Queene represents :
(A) Temperance (B) Chastity (C) Truth (D) Falsehood
35. The line “Present fears/Are less than horrible imaginings” appear in :
(A) Macbeth (B) King Lear
(C) Othello (D) Julius Caesar
36. The author of Ars Poetica is :
(A) Plato (B) Horace (C) Virgil (D) Aristotle
37. Which of the following is not a work by Dr. Johnson :
(A) Preface to the English Dictionary (B) Preface to Shakespeare
(C) Lives of English Poets (D) Cowley
38. Which novel of Daniel Defoe was considered to be the best by E. M. Forster ?
(A) Colonel Jack (B) Robinson Crusoe
(C) Captain Singleton (D) Moll Flanders
39. Edmund Burke denounced the French Revolution in :
(A) Political Philosophy
(B) A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and the
(C) Reflections
(D) The Annual Register
40. The line “A man can be destroyed but not defeated” appears in :
(A) For Whom the Bell Tolls (B) The Old Man and the Sea
(C) The Snows of Kilimanjaro (D) The Sun also Rises
41. Who among the following is called “A New England Poet” :
(A) Robert Frost (B) Edwin Arlington Robinson
(C) William Carlos Williams (D) Allen Ginsberg
42. Which of the following is not a play by Tennessee Williams :
(A) Night of the Iguana (B) A Streetcar named Desire
(C) Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (D) The Zoo Story
43. Margaret Atwood’s Survival is :
(A) a critical assessment of Canadian writing
(B) a thematic guide to Canadian literature
(C) a critique of Canadian polity
(D) a exposition of Canadian history
44. The term “Negritude” was coined by :
(A) Frantz Fanon and Homi Bhabha
(B) Ngugi Wa’ Thiongo and Wole Soyinka
(C) Ainee Cesaire and Leopold Senghor
(D) K. Alfred Memi and Chinua Achebe
45. Bertolt Brecht’s concept of theatre was influenced by :
(A) Irwin Piscator (B) Antonin Artaud
(C) Peter Brook (D) Eugino Barba
46. The relationship between Othello and Iago is an example of :
(A) inversion (B) irony
(C) innuendo (D) invective
47. A metrical foot consisting of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable is :
(A) dactyl (B) trochee (C) iamb (D) anapaest
48. The rhyme scheme of a Shakespearean sonnet is :
(A) abab, cdcd, efef, gg (B) abba, cddc, effe, gg
(C) abcd, efgh, effe, hh (D) abca, abca, bcab, dd
49. Using “the Bench” for the judiciary is an example of :
(A) metaphor (B) irony (C) Synecdoche (D) metonymy
50. Four feet, comprising a monosyllable, trochee, dactyl and first paeon is often called :
(A) running rhythm
(B) sprung rhythm
(C) blank verse
(D) rhymed verse

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