Age of Chaucer
History / Events
1381 Peasants’ revolt
1429 Siege of
1431 Joan of Arc burned
1441 Kings’ College,
1356. Mandeville's " Travels."
1362 Langland’s Piers the Plowman The full title of the poem is The Vision of Piers
Plowman. Three distinct versions of it exist, the first c. 1362, the second
c. 1377, and the third 1393 or 1398. It has been described as "a vision
of Christ seen through the clouds of humanity." It is divided into nine
dreams, and is in the unrhymed and alliterative.
1380 Wycliffe’s Bible
1380-83 Troylus and Cryseyde by Chaucer.
1382 The Parlement of Foules
by Chaucer
1384 The House of Fame
by Chaucer
1385 The Legende of Goode
Women by Chaucer
1385-91 English poet Geoffrey Chaucer writes The Canterbury
Tales, a work which places him in the front
rank of the narrative poets of the world. It contains about 18,000 lines of
verse, besides some passages in prose, and was left incomplete. In it his
power of story-telling, his humour, sometimes broad, sometimes sly, his vivid
picture-drawing, his tenderness, and lightness of touch, reach their highest
development. He is our first artist in poetry, and with him begins modern
English literature. His character—genial, sympathetic, and pleasure-loving,
yet honest, diligent, and studious—is reflected in his writings.
1393 Confessio Amantis.
Richard II
Henry IV
Henry V
Henry VI
John Gower
John Wycliffe
William Langland
Geoffrey Chaucer
John Lydgate
James I
- Why are the years 1340 and 1400 important?
Ans. The year 1340 is important for the birth of the ‘father
of English poetry’, Chaucer and in 1400 he breathed his last.
- Who made the first version of the Bible in English and in which year?
Ans. In 1382 John Wycliffe made the first version of the
Bible in English.
- Why are 1453 and 1477 important in the history of English literature?
Ans. In the year 1453, Constantinople ,
which was the capital of Roman Empire , fell to
the Turks, what announces the advent of the Revival of learning, i.e. the
Renaissance Movement in Europe .
In the year 1477,
Caxton established his printing press in England in 1476 printed the first
book Lydgate’s Temple
of Glass , the
Sheep and the Goose. Mallory’s Marti d’ Arthur was printed in 1485.
- Name two of Chaucer’s prose writings.
Ans. A Tale of Malebeus and Parson’s Tale are
Chaucer’s two-prose work.
- Who is the first translator of the Bible?
Ans. Wycliffe, the morning star of the Reformation, felt the
great need of the masses and with the assistance of his disciples produced a complete
English version of Bible. It goes to the credit of Wycliffe that he made the
first translation of the scriptures into any modern vernacular.
- Point out two major historical events that took place in the age of Chaucer.
Ans. Chaucer belonged to the 14th century. It was
an age of foreign conquests, expansion of trade, chivalry and religious
pilgrimages. In the same age however, Black Death, famine and plague swept away
about one third of England ’s
population. Two historical events are – Black Death in 1348-49 and the peasant
revolt in 1381.
- To which age does Chaucer belong?
Ans. 14th century, Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400).
- Why are the years 1340 and 1400 important?
Ans. Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400).
- To whom was Chaucer indebted for the general idea of The Canterbury Tales?
Ans. The general idea of the story telling is slightly
followed from the works of Boccachio. However, truly speaking in
characterization and narration it is thoroughly English and Chaucerian.
- Relate two Events related to Social importance in Chaucer’s age.
Ans. In the 14th century in 1348 the Black Death
and in 1381 The Peasants’ revolt took place. They caused great social upheavals
at that period.
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